Introducing FlowLetter

Hey friends,

over the past 6 months, I've shifted my attention to building our Webflow agency and spending a lot of time developing projects in Webflow. Over time, Webflow has become more than a source of income for me. It's brought me back to what I loved about the Internet way back when I first got online – the ability to make real, things I've dreamed up.

I want to contribute to the Webflow community and grow alongside it.

That's why I'm changing the focus of this newsletter.

I know it won't be for everyone and I understand you might decide to unsubscribe (a link is right at the bottom of this email). But I want to keep bringing my readers topics I care about and am excited about.

This is why, I'm introducing FlowLetter – a newsletter for the Webflow community.

I'll be tweaking the content in the weeks to come. But you can expect a mix of useful Webflow tools that are constantly popping up left and right, tutorials, my personal stories from building our agency FlowGo, inspirational builds, and maybe Webflow job offers/requests down the line.

A shout-out to all of you who have subscribed to this newsletter so far. I appreciate your support and readership. If you decide to unsubscribe, I want to send you a big THANK YOU!

See you this Sunday with the first issue of Flowletter.

👋 Thanks for reading!

Ondrej @oprostrednik


A newsletter for the Webflow community. Sharing tools, tutorials, and my insights from building our Webflow agency.

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